Registration and academic guidance

 Academic Record:

The academic record is a statement showing the student's course of study, and includes the courses he studies in each semester with its symbols and numbers, the number of its units, the estimates obtained, the symbols and the values of those estimates. The record also shows the quarterly average, the cumulative rate and the general estimate, in addition to the decisions exempted from the transferred student.

The College Vice Dean for Education and Students Affairs, in conjunction with the department heads of each group of students, will appoint an academic Guide from faculty members. The Academic Advisor assists students in:
To approve the student's academic burdens in each semester and choose the courses and help the student setting up his educational schedule.
Assisting the student in selecting the primary and secondary specialization appropriate to his abilities and ambitions.
-Follow-up cases of enrollment and suspension and student results and academic progress.
- The academic advisor may not request the student to return some of the previously successful courses in order to raise the average points for the student, but he can add extra hours for graduation to elective courses not previously studied by the student for a maximum of 6 credit hours in order to raise the cumulative rate. This shall be done after the approval of the Department Council and the approval of the College Council.
- The maximum academic load is (19) credit hours per semester. The maximum limit may be raised to (21) credit hours with the approval of the College Council, provided that the student's average in the previous regular semester is not less than (3.0) points from (4.00). And that the student must cease to be allowed to study (21) credit hours in the last semester of the college.
- The minimum academic load of the student is (12) credit hours per semester, and may reduce this limit in justified cases, approved by the College Council.
To enroll in a course with previous requirements, the requirements for success in these previous courses must be met. The above requirement is a course that the student must successfully pass before enrolling in the higher course. The requirement is placed at a level below the academic level of the required course.
- Only at the fourth level (as a prerequisite for graduation) and with the consent of the academic advisor and the head of the concerned department, the student may be allowed to register in a course and a prerequisite that has been previously failed.
- Courses with single numbers in the first semester (fall) and courses with even numbers in the second semester (spring) the course numbers are preceded by English letters, indicating specialization, and optional courses may not be considered a requirement for a compulsory course.
- In case of necessity, upon the proposal of the scientific sections and the approval of the Committee for Education and Students Affairs, the faculty may submit a course in more than one semester or in a different time.
- The maximum number of credit hours recorded by the student in the summer semester should not exceed (9) credit hours according to rules and fees determined by the college council. The study is optional for both the student and the faculty member.
- The relevant department council and the faculty council decide the courses that can be put in the summer semester as well as the minimum number of students required to submit each summer course. The priority to enroll in these courses for students who fail in a course is considered a requirement for another course to be offered at the next academic level for the summer.
Delete, Add, and Quit:

The student must register for the courses in each semester after fulfilling the registration requirements in each course and after consultation with the academic advisor and on the dates specified in the registration times and rules issued by the college annually.
- A student who fails to register for more than one week does not consider his registration in the courses final. unless after the approval of the department concerned and the section that presents the course in case of difference. The student will register late until the end of the second week of the beginning of the study with payment of delay fee determined by the College Council.
- The student may add or delete a course or replace it until the end of the second week of the regular semester, with the approval of the academic advisor and provided that the availability of places of the courses to be registered and the adoption of the final academic table of the student after deletion and addition or withdrawal from the Vice Dean for Education and Students Affairs or his representative. 
The student may, after the approval of the academic advisor, withdraw from a course until the end of the sixth week of the beginning of the regular semester, in a way that does not prejudice the academic burden stipulated in Article 8. The student who withdraws from the summer semester is not entitled to refund the tuition fees for the courses in which he registered.
- The number of times of withdrawal from a course until the end of the sixth week (from the beginning of the regular semester) should not exceed eight times throughout the period of study of the college.
The student shall complete the application form for withdrawal from the academic advisor and the professor of the article explaining the reason for the withdrawal. This course shall be recorded in the academic student's record with a grade of (W), if he does not exceed the maximum stipulated for absence. This course does not include courses that he has studied in terms of success, repetition and graduation requirements.
If the student withdraws from all the courses of the semester, he must submit an excuse to the college and this excuse must be accepted by the College Council.
- The student may not withdraw or cancel his registration in the intensive summer classes. In the event that the study is not completed without an excuse accepted by the College Council, the student will be considered a deposit and receive an F in this course.